Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Random Acts of Violence Against the Disabled.

Now, I know there are a lot of crazy (er...mentally ill) people in the world who are capable of outrageous things.  In my psych rotation at nursing school, my clinical instructor deemed all violent actions as being the product of mental illness.  I asked him then if all people in jails should be labeled mentally ill and he responded, yes.  It's one thing to have compassion for people who are out of sorts and are in need of help, but it is another thing to dismiss violent acts as just being an illness and can not be held accountable.  Granted, it is very hard to get someone with a mental illness to seek help.  They would argue that it is the world that is crazy, not them.  And, when they are lacking in social support, it is so easy for them to fall through the cracks of the system and land in jail or become homeless.  Or, they pose a threat to public safety as the case below demonstrate.

Montrealer With Autism Violently Attacked At Angrignon Metro Station

This story really hits close to my heart because this young man shares the same genetic condition as my son. I shudder to think such as thing happening to L.   Being in a disabled state leaves one in the most vulnerable position with no faculty to fight back and defend oneself.  They remain at the mercy of other people's protection. On that day at the metro, Richard afforded others the opportunity to demonstrate the highest virtues of their humanity.  What a gift that is to the world!  And, people beautifully stepped up to the plate.  Jesus who preached nonviolence said that if one strikes you in one cheek, offer them the other.  Who can truly do such a thing in their right mind?  I don't think I can.  It is human nature to strike back in defense and it may perhaps be an involuntary reflex.  It would take someone angelic to follow this command. People like Richard and Lucas certainly belong in that category because when they arrive at the pearly gates, they could honestly say that they lived their lives clean and pure, never having harmed anyone or harbored malice in their hearts.  Perhaps, this is why these souls incarnated into the world in a disabled frame of mind in the first place -  because they wanted to experience living in the physical body without having any sin and to afford others the opportunity to experience their own compassionate hearts.

Surely, it would be easier to accomplish living completely sinless in a disabled frame of mind than with the mind fully intact.  Why is it that at times, it is human nature to seek out the weak to attack. Is competition the only absolute in the natural world? This also happens in the animal kingdom, too.  Those like Richard and Lucas don't belong in the animal kingdom...They belong in the divine and angelic kingdom for what they have chosen to take on and offer in this lifetime.

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