Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Happy 9th Birthday, Luki! A Quarantine Birthday.

May 19, 2020, a quarantine birthday. We were supposed to be at Disneyland but we are still under quarantine due to Covid 19.  Luki turns 9!  We stayed home and had Indian takeout for dinner.  Luki bit into something really spicy and had a major meltdown but other than that, it was a nice birthday dinner. 

I always try and make an video every birthday to capture just how far he has come in his development and growth.  As he turns nine and physically more heavier and verbally more louder especially when he screams, I worry about the next phase of life and what is to come.  Will I be strong enough to handle him when he has meltdowns?  Will I be physically strong enough to carry him?  These questions rest in my heart as we approach the future.  

He liked his cake!

Poor Luki, his mouth was burning!

TaeTae was so supportve

after eating something too spicy, we had a big mess at the table

I ordered everything mild but then again, it is Indian food...