Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Flip side: Week 2 Questions

Today we will be looking at Numbers 14: 1-4
In Numbers 13 we saw that rumors were starting to spread. How do you think the rumors affected the Israelites response to the report from the spies? 
How do rumors affect our perspective?


Read Numbers 12:31-33
Notice in verse 31 that some of the spies say "We can't....". Do you ever find yourself saying "Our special needs family can't....", "I can't....." or " My special child can't....."? What causes that hesitation to do certain things that in reality with God's help we could do?
Week 2 (Tuesday-Part 2)
In Numbers 13:32 we see that 10 of the spies spread a bad report full of exaggerations. Do we as special needs parents fall into that same trap? What is the result when we do? How does that affect those around us?

Happy Saturday! Raising a child with special needs can be very draining physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. What are some things you do to help "fill your tank"?


How do you view your child? Share your thoughts in the comment section 

Week 2 (Friday)
As we close out week 2 of our Flip-side study on perspective here are some things to consider.
When you look at your life, what is your perspective? Do you see "giants" or "grapes"? Do you tend to look at things as impossible and see the negatives, or do you focus on and remember how big God really is?
Pray and ask God to to bring to mind the times He has been faithful. Write them down as a remembrance of all He has done. Read the list on the dark days when the "giants" seem to want to overtake.
Ask God to reveal areas in your life where you are doing the following and ask Him to help you in those areas.
1. Saying "but" or making excuses to not do what God has called you to do. 2. Saying "I can't" or "my child can't" when God says you can. 3. Spreading or believing bad reports or exaggerating facts to cause chaos. 4. Gossiping

Share in the comment section below a way God has blessed you recently.
How has God helped you face the "giants" in your life?