Thursday, September 26, 2013

We just keep on keeping on!

On my fortieth birthday, Lucas gave me the best present ever by walking 8 steps unaided during his PT session!  It was wobbly but he knew how to regain his balance when falling seemed eminent.  I really didn't know if this day would ever come but I am so relieved.  Not only in his walking skills, but he is cognitively making so much strides.  I am not sure if this is a natural progression of development or a result of all the therapies and supplements he takes.  In our monthly newsletter from the CBR, was featured a clinician and researcher, Dr. Michael Chez of Sutter Medical Center, who developed a product called Carn-Aware - the only double blind placebo controlled study done on a supplement for the treatment of autism.  I wrote him a  letter and invited him to the science meeting held at the MIND Institute in Davis and to my utter surprise, he said he was interested in attending.  It was too bad I was not there to meet him and learn a bit more about his future research projects related to autism and whether he would be open to including Dup15 kids in his research.  The hand of God seemed to have played a role in me contacting him just before the science conference and him being located in Sacramento, a driving distance to Davis. 

Anyhow, Lucas seems more animated and well... "aware" after starting CarnAware.  The only side effect I noticed was disruption in his sleep at night time.  I had to reduce to dosage from 200 mg capsule to 50 mg per day and will slowly titrate it back up.  I also noticed that his sleep disturbance  is more pronounced on the days he gets his B12 shot (10 units) so I am holding back his CarnAware on the day he receives his B12 shot (which is twice a week).  He is not more verbal but is making great improvement in his walking.  It may have also to do with the fact that I am weaning him off the stroller and "forcing" him to walk more with his little shopping cart. Everyday I try to take him to the mall and have him walk from the car to the play area.  He is catching on and at times hoists himself onto the cart so that he doesn't have to walk, or he will just lay on the ground and start crawling.  As long as he moves, I am happy. We also got a disabled placard for the car which kind of makes me sad but grateful we are able to use it. 

 At times, I notice he stops moving and just kind of sits still as if he is in deep thought or he is trying to figure something out.  Overall, he is a very content and happy little boy with the most beautiful smile and the cutest laughs.  I am so in love with him and I can't wait for the day he tells me, "Mommy, I love you."

Luki rode the Merry Go Round for the first time!