Saturday, January 23, 2016

Mapping Your Family Success Day 4 and 5

On Day 4 of our webinar study, Shane addresses the topic of physical health for all members of the family.  

The 4 questions presented are as follows:

1. What isn't working about my health and my child's health?
By late afternoon, I am usually spent and not up to doing any type of therapies with Luki.  Especially on days that I am working nights, I need the time to readjust to being awake on days.  I can't quit my job working nights.  Luki seems to be pretty healthy.  No signs of seizures.  He is eating, sleeping and pooping well which is a blessing for which I can't be grateful enough!

2. What is the one thing that I want to be better this year for my health?
I want to have more physical stamina and energy to work with Luki one on one.  Ever since we stopped ABA, I have not really focused on working with him.  I am just so tired by the time we have opportunities to do play therapies or icon exchange, potty training, etc...

3.  Why is that important?
It's important that Luki gets training to be more independent whether it be going to the bathroom alone or expressing his wants and needs through some kind of communication.  In the long run, I know it will benefit him.  I keep thinking about the old Helen Keller movie where she was treated like a household pet until her therapist Anne Sullivan came and changed her into a human being.  I feel guilty when I am not working with him more.

4. How do I want to feel once the change is made?  (3 words) 

Day 5:  Today we address the topic of time management.  The questions are as follows:

1. What is not working about your time in your life?

  Social media has become my lifeline with other special needs parents.  I am learning so much from them, especially other parents of children with my son's condition.  And those times I am not on it, I worry I am missing some valuable piece of information or event I should know about.  Yet, at times I feel I am wasting a lot of time, time I could be spending with Luki on his therapies. I sometimes wonder if I am using social media as an escape because even with the intention of going online for information, I find myself viewing various cat videos for enjoyment.

2. What do you want to be different  about how you handle time in your life?  What do I want time for?

I would like to be more disciplined in how much time I spend online.  I want to better budget my time online.  I would like time for myself to decompress, meditate and space out by going to massages, accupuncture.

3. Why is that important?
I would like some time that does not involve Luki once in a while so I don't go crazy and get burnt out.

4.  How do you want to feel if you have more of what you want?Relaxed, rejuvenated, clear thinking, at peace, content.

5.  What is my action step to have better time management? 
I am going to make a daily schedule of what I want to acheive hour to hour from waking up to going to bed.  I am going to allot time to do therapy with Lucas, at least one hour a day!  No slacking!

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