Sunday, August 6, 2023

Excerpt from a Reading with Summer McStravick


I wonder often about the meaning of Luki having Dup15q Syndrome.  Sometimes, nothing really makes sense and obsessing and overthinking about meanings can be exhausting and draining.  Recently, on the Dup15q family group page on Facebook, some asked, "What does believe mean to you".  "Believe" is the motto for this organization.  That is the exact question I needed to organize my thoughts and put it down into words below.  Funny how sometimes you have the answers but you don't quite know the question they answer.

This experience is what I believe it to be.  Nobody else's interpretation is as important as my own.  Whether I wallow in victimhood or see this experience as an opportunity for growth, other people's opinion on its correctness is irrelevant. So, let's make the most of it.  

1. I believe there are no mistakes or accidents. 

2. I don't believe people have special needs; rather, I believe people have basic human needs."  

3. I believe Lucas is a beautiful, evolved soul who incarnated into great disability for his, as well as everyone's, soul growth. 

4. I believe (as crazy as this sounds) that I chose this experience and made a contract with God even before I was incarnated to go through this experience for my own soul ascension and expansion.

5. I believe Lucas is more than his diagnosis and is capable of giving and receiving love and is capable of doing more than what his diagnosis assumes.  

6. I believe this experience entails heartbreak, hardship and difficulties along with moments of beauty and laughter but one day (perhaps not while on Earth) the reason for all the "why's" will all be revealed to me by God and I will be at peace with the reasons.  

7. I believe Lucas has a right to fair and appropriate education and is entitled to appropriate accommodations to meet his needs in society, as stated by law. 

Recently, I was lucky to have had a personal reading with Summer McStravick, the creator of the Flowdreaming method of manifesting.  She has the gift of telepathy and it is so useful to know someone like her when you have a nonverbal child.  She doesn't do readings often as she is more focused on the ME School and doing life coaching, so what a treat!  She hit the nail on a lot of stuff going on in my life but I'd like to share the bit regarding Luki and his disability.  

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