Friday, January 13, 2017

An Unforgettable Thanksgiving Holiday. Part 2: NICU Days.

Day 0: 11/25:  Born 1:55 PM at 2 lbs,8 oz.  Good cry after  emergency C section. Saw a glimpse of baby for 2 seconds and was taken to NICU and diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Oxygen, IV started and oral  feeding tube inserted.

Day 1:11/26: Named baby Liam Tae In Ahn.  Placed on CPAP, FiO2 at 21% and given surfactants to open lungs up.  Occasional desaturation and is given oxygen as backup.

Day 2:11/27: TPN/ lipids started through a peripheral line.  Started light therapy for jaundice.

Day 3:  11/28:  Started donor breast milk at 3 ml every 3-4 hours.  Lots of air coming out of stomach.  Little bit of meconium.  RNs say he is feisty.  Opens eyes and looks at him.

Day 4:  11/29:  Caffeine started to help with breathing.  Still apneic spells.  US of brain done to rule out any hemorhhages on the brain.  Platelet count drops from 140's at birth to 70's.  Mommy discharged home.

Day 5:  11/30: Ultrasound of brain comes back negative for bleeds.  feedings held due to too much air in the abdomen and to start Echocardiogram to see if PDA has closed up.

Day 6:  12/1:  PDA still not closed.  Started indocin x3 to help close the hole in heart.  No respiratory distress noted after two doses of indocin and so CPAP removed but still receiving Oxygen via nasal cannula at FiO2 of 21% (basically room air).

Day 7:  12/2:  One week old.  No respiratory distress noted.  IV lines keep blowing.  PICC line inserted on right leg.  Held him for the first time as the nurses changed his linen.

Day 8:  12/3:  LCSW visited and gave us a flier on SSI eligibility.  Said because he weighed below 2100 grams, Liam qualifies to receive SSI after discharge.  Also stated that she will fill out a referral to the Regional Center upon discharge.  My heart sinks to the ground. EBCLA and Journeys group start delivering food for dinner.
Susan from EBCLA delivery dinner for us.

Day 9:  12/4: Held Liam for the first time. Discontinued light therapy.  Jaundice resolved.
 Oxygen down to 1/2 liter with no respiratory distress noted.  Feedings (breast milk) resumed 3ml every 3-4 hours and tolerating well.  Liam smiles and looks at me when I call his name.  He did this several times. Had a big BM.

Day 10:  12/5 graduated from oxygen.  No more nasal cannula.  First time doing skin to skin for 2 hours.  Tolerates feedings well. 2 lbs 13.3 oz.  Gained 2 oz overnight (ideally 0.5 - 1 oz gain per day). Eating 8 ml of milk every 3 hours.  Smiles and tries to look towards the sound of my voice.

Day 12:  12/7:  Tolerating 11 ml of breastmilk every 3 hours.  weighs 2 lbs 13.4 oz. Receiving glycerin enemas with good amount of poop.

Day 13:  12/8: Tolerates 16 ml of breastmilk every 3 hours.  Slowly gaining more weight. PICC line, TPN and lipids discontinued. Receiving 3ml D5NS through a peripheral line.

Day 14:  12/9: Tolerates 21 ml of breast milk every 3 hours.  Having some reflux and lots of air in stomach. Lab values come back all normal.

Day 15:  12/10: Tolerates 26 ml of breast milk every 3 hours.  Finally weighs 3 lbs.!! Continues to receive caffeine and continuous 1.6 ml of D5 fluid through a peripheral iv. I changed his diaper for the first time.

Day 16: 12/11:  Aspirated stomach contents through mouth and nosed.  Concerned the aspirate may go into his lungs.  G tube residual is 3 ml.  Daddy had skin to skin for the first time.

Day 17:  12/12: Feeding increased to 27 ml.  Discontinued IV fluids.

Day 18: 12/13:  Feeding increased to 29 ml. Continue with caffeine, Vitamin D3.

Day 19: 12/14:  Nipple therapy started.  Tolerated 26 ml via bottle!

Day 20: 12/15: Replaced Orogastric tube to a nasogastric tube. Nicknamed "Tae Tae" !

Day 21: 12/16: Bottle feeding tolerated only 10 ml from 26 ml.  Weighs 3.6 lbs.  Nurse doesn't think Liam will be able to come home for Christmas.

Day 22: 12/17: Tolerating 30 ml through tube feeding.

Day 23: 12/18:  Liam pulled out his nasogastric tube; Bottle fed him for the first time 30 ml.

Day 24: 12/19: Liam puts on clothes for the first time.  A premie shirt and socks. Drinks 32 ml from a bottle twice a day.

Day 25: 12/20:  Got to bathe Liam for the first time.  Wore his first onesie.


Day 27: 12/22: Weighs 4 lbs!!! Receives Vitamin D, Iron as supplements.
Day 28: 12/23:  Liam graduates to a open bassinet

Day 29: 12/24: First practice at breastfeeding.

Day 30: 12/25: We have a photoshoot with christmas outfit.  Breastfeeding successful.

Day 35: 12/30: Feeding tube is completely out! Working on tummy time.  He hates tummy time.

Day 36: 12/31: Start on Premie formula twice a day.  Reduce to 24 cal per day.

Day 39: 1/3:  Room in all night with Liam with no monitors.

Day 41: 1/5:  First discharge date:

Discharge postponed until 1/7 due to desaturation during feeding.

Day 43: 1/7: Second discharge date. Discharge postponed again due to desaturation during feeding at night time.

Day 45: 1/9: Third discharge date. Discharge postponed due to desaturation again during feeding.

Day 47: 1/11: Fourth discharge date. He is coming home!!!

Pastor Julie brings curry rice.
Carrie Brings Juan Pollo.
Ed, May, Justine and Alex bring Hawaiian food.
Joyce and Stephanie bring Thai curry with veggies.
Susan brings beef soup.
12/9 Linda and Niels brings Chicken and rice casserole (Luki's favorite!).
12/10 Diane brings pizza, pasta and salad.
12/12 Wanda and Sean brings
12/16 Connie brings noodles.

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