Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 30,2014

He loves daddy!

He likes to get tickles from daddy!

This shot melts my heart. 

He still doesn't know how to ride the "schoolbus" He can't push himself on it but likes to push the buttons which make music and sounds. 

I recently won a free home photo session worth $500.00.  Not sure why I didn't pretty myself up for the occasion but Luki came out fab and smiled for most of the pictures.  I made our 2014 Christmas card out of the pictures. 

Luki plays a piano duet with aunty Christine at grandma's house for Christmas.

For the last two days, Lucas has been very fussy, clingy and crying a lot and it is so frustrating to not  know what is going on with him.  He makes a lot of vocal sounds but is still nonverbal.  Usually when he acts this way, I can trouble shoot it with either sleep or food.  Yesterday, he cried for most of the day and was pulling my hair and collar.  I have seen him do this before but it was usually a cry of distress.  This time, I can't pinpoint what the problem is, exactly.  It breaks my heart to see him so and not be able to make it better for him.  Today was a bit better but he is still very whiny.  I think he is teething. Gave him Tylenol and was back to his happy self.

Today, we had our first community outing in ABA,  We had our session at the mall along with the therapist, the supervisor and a trainee.  All four of us were hovering over Luki and he was very fussy for the first half hour perhaps still feeling the pain from teething.  He refused to walk and participate in anything.  Having four people with him seemed redundant.  They were just watching him as I interacted with him.  There really isn't much they can do when the whole session revolved around the goal of having him walk the mall.  We just need to tail him and make sure he doesn't run off.  Somedays, I wonder if ABA is making any difference.  I have recently made it a point that I am the primary therapist and the person Easter Seals send is my assistant.  I don't think the therapists do a good job of initiating therapy. This way, I make sure he is getting the skills training he needs while also allowing for mommy and me time. After a while, Luki held our hands to walk.  He even held his arms up to the therapist to hold hands.  He is used to having his dad and myself hold his hand as we walk. Although nonverbal and not fully oriented to his environment,  Lucas is very into his routine.  He walked into Marie Callendars and walked toward the back exit door and walked across the parking lot to a car that looked like our minivan and stood there as if waiting for us to open the door for him to get in so we can go home.  This is the routine we have every other weekend for breakfast.

On this New Years Eve, after having cooked and eaten yummy chicken piccata, roasted kale, garlic mushrooms and a bit of wine for dinner, I count all my blessings and smile at the beautiful memories indelibly left upon my heart. I am taking all the beautiful pictures throughout the year into eternity and look forward to reviewing my album in heaven.,  Luki is still seizure free, growing taller and more handsome everyday.  Gabriel and I are still gainfully employed, healthy and happy. I am so thankful for God's goodness.

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