Sunday, July 20, 2014

"So what Does Hope Look Like These Days?"

During last Sunday's Journeys meeting, the facilitator asked us what hope looked like in the midst of  going through "the valley".  Many families have children with dire medical needs such as uncontrolled seizures, hypotonia, learning delays, autism, etc that place a heavy strain on the family dynamics such as the added physical burden that can lead to emotional/psychological fatigue.  I couldn't think up an answer that seemed "hopeful" at the moment but I pondered this question for the rest of the day and finally came up with an answer that seemed satisfying to me.   Sometimes, I wonder where these answers come from - is it me thinking them up or is it Spirit infusing its loving knowledge for me to take.  The answer I received is that hope rests only with how I react to the situation.  Precious energy can be wasted trying to change what God has appointed upon my family's life.   What I hope for the future is that I will be a good, loving and positive motherly presence in the family. I am inventing what a "motherly presence" is as I go along since I have never had such growing up.
 I can only control my reactions to the whirlwind of events that unfold before me.  I have no control of Luki's medical condition, whether he will ever have seizures or even if he will ever talk.  I can pray for the best, but God has the ultimate hand in the situation.  I can only pray that God reveal to me the deeper meaning -His good will- in the situation and steer my family toward the Light. I can become despondent or I can tune myself to a higher vibration of energy - and for that, I need God and the heavenly realm to lift me up to that state.  I can't get there on my own.  So, that is my hope.  I am hopeful that I have enough spiritual maturity to recognize the importance thought and attitude plays in shaping a future reality..  I also hope to always stay at that level of awareness and that this knowledge will translate into carrying me and my family from the pitfalls of despair to true spiritual wisdom and intimacy with God.  I leave the details of how this would be achieved up to God and the angels who surround and protect my family.

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