Saturday, June 8, 2013

Luki's new milestones since turning two.

So, Luki is 2 years and 2 weeks old today so I thought I'd share some new milestones we've noticed.  First, Luki loves to hold his sippy cup and enjoys drinking his juice from it.  He can't hold all types of sippy cups, it has to be the Nuk brand with the handles.  The spout is somewhat like a bottle nipple so he doesn't spill the liquid everywhere - he loves to shake it vigorously.  I did have to make a bigger incision so that the fluid flows more easily for him.  He is getting the hang of putting it to his lips, tilting his head back to get the fluid into his mouth. Although, he doesn't quite swallow the fluid before getting more sips - unless its something sweet like juice.  Milk and water, he will just let it dribble out of his mouth before getting another sip.  I find it so cute and amusing and let him know so.  He laughs, too, when I laugh at him.
Luki is also able to move his hand up and down and pound on his toys rather than just sliding his hand side to side.  He hits the bolts that light up and make music on his tool box toy which he received from a neighbor boy last year.  He was not able to voluntarily hit it until he turned two. He is still not aware of the strength he uses to hit the bolts. He used to laugh so hard when I would pound the bolts for him - not sure why that was so funny to him.  Here is a video of him laughing hysterically with the infant stim teacher taken around 15 months of age.
I hope he doesn't injure his hand by hitting too hard with the palm of his hand.  Once he starts hitting the bolts, he kind of gets obsessed and hits quite a while before he will stop and move onto doing something else.

Luki also got to ride his first merry-go-round at Little Prince Cafe.  His poor muscle tone always made it hard for us to let him sit alone but now he is able to sit and enjoy the ride!

He even got to baby zip line!

I can't get enough of this little boy.

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