Thursday, January 16, 2025

" Do you see having a child with special needs being related to the concept of karma?" and Artur Tadevosyan

I recently found a Facebook page of someone called Artur Tadevosya,spritual author, psychic and channeler and although I don't follow people as such, one of his reels showed up on my Facebook feed.  It is really uncanny how Facebook brings up posts that are related to my thoughts even without me having verbalized them into existence.  Anyway, a question about children with special needs came up, to wit:

 Q: Do you see having a child with special needs being related to the concept of karma?

Artur Tadevosyan:  Sometimes yes and sometimes no. There is no definite answer to this. When it's karmic, the soul takes the body of the child getting born into that family and deliver them the message they need to experience. Sometimes it relates with an early exit, so they die very young. By causing enormous pain to the parents but delivering lessons to them.  Some who come with disabilities, I would say most of the time, is about helping.  Sometimes, it will cause pain most of the time but in the end, it's about helping the parents to achieve the next level of awareness, of understanding the next level of emotions which we never experienced in past lives.  Most of the time, it's quite old and advanced souls with humungous higher selves who took upon themselves this task to help us. To understand.  To learn, to experience pain and through that, great love.

I have been told over and over throughout the years by various seers how advanced souls like Lucas incarnate into great disabilities to help humanity and the family achieve greater understanding of love.  I have often pondered why such awareness cannot be achieved through joy and happiness rather than pain and suffering.  The Earth classroom certainly lacks no pain and suffering and makes it an ideal place to grow and advance by those means.  

I've been on this spiritual/gnostic/metaphysical path for over two decades and having been "read" by countless seers, I have learned enough concepts and the lingo to understand the meaning of statements such as that made by Tadevosyn above but I forget that many, if not most, people have not been on a similar path as I and when presented with such esoteric concepts, they react strongly either for its validity or for its absurdity. 

On a Facebook support group for Dup15q Syndrome, I shared the reel with other parents who have my son's condition and asked what they think about his explanation for people with special needs.  I got a few that didn't even quite understand the message of Tadevosyan and became irate.  One mother simply stated, "no".   

Here are the various comments I received:

"D"  I don't believe a child is born with a disability as a result of divine punishment for something the soul did in prior lives or something the parents/family did in their current lives.

(He never mentions any such notion, but this idea of cause and effect for a sin is what this parent read into).

My response to "D": yes, I think that is what he is essentially trying to say 

"V" but...He didn't say that at all.  He said it's to bring lessons and new emotions to the family and the souls with a disability in this world are typically very advanced souls who take on this "job" of helping to advance humankind's development... I'm not saying I agree with im at all, but he definitely didn't say anthing about it being a punishment.  

My response to "V": Sorry, I meant I agree with "D" that this is not due to karma or punshment for a "sin" from the past.  As I interpret it, the path we were put on with our kids is to learn love on a deeper level through pain and suffering.  I'm not sury why we were put on this path.  Why not learn ove through the path of joy and happiness? Is the depth and nature of love we experience through pain much more deeper than the love we learn through joy?

"D":  The love is great, but I have difficulty believing some divine would deliberately cause an innocent sever suffering so that we could "learn" something.  But "om more a believer in a "hands off" God.  Karma and destiny don't play a part in my system.  We make our own paths and are impacted by biology, environment, etc.. 

"L" I have a problem with a philosophy that says "everything happens for a reason".  He didn't say that, but he seemed to allude to it.  There can be no good reason for kids to go through waht they go through with a disability.

My response to "L": I think the reason he says is that they are advanced souls who are here willingly to help humanity (and the family) advance to a higher level of understanding.

"L" I might believe that if I saw society becoming more compassionate as a result of knowing people with disabilties.  I'm afraid that's not my experience.  In fact, I think we're heading in the other direction.  

My response to "L": When I think of how brutally people with disabilities especially those like my son, were treated in the past, in institutions and out in society, and seeing how the collective consciousness has been made more aware of the evils done, I have to believe that they are changing society.  I'm no spiritual guru who can see how humanity evolves and grows over time but people like this guy seem to "see" on another level than most people. 

"L" I might just be more pessimistic than you.  People with mental illness were deinstitutionalized and then abandoned without the support they were promised.  Our prison system is now the leading provider of mental health care in the US.  And well more than half the people experiencing homelessness in the US have a mental illness, yet we have made being homes a crime, too.  Our collective consciousness has been made more aware of the evils done, as you stated, and yet we are repeating those evils.  We just elected a president who believes that people with disabilities are better off dead.  I wish I could find reasons to be hopeful.  I continue to look for them.  But I'm not having much success.  

My thoughts on her statement: It can be overwhelming when you think about all the problems the world is going through and as I sit here not knowing what I need to do to help, a thought comes upon me saying that just loving my family, taking care of Lucas and advocating for his needs, bringing awareness to my community, creating peace and harmony within my immediate circle is where I should start and where my greatest impact is made in helping the world.  No one person can solve all the societal problems we face but if each one of us decided to focus on taking care of what is immediately in front of us which may take personal responsibility and some sacrifice, the world will be better.  

My response to "L": I agree, the world still has so many problems, and this is no utopia we live in. Perhaps that is why special souls are sent by God to help make things better.  I don't profess to know how sending nonverbal, seizure-ridden, intellectually disabled people will make things better, but I want to believe it will work out for good in the end because the alternative would be to believe we are all screwed and things were always terrible and will be terrible.

"K": I learnt from his statement was they took upon themselves to teach us?

My response to "K" Yes, they didn't have to but did so willingly as I interpret what he says.  

"C" I don't believe it has anything to do with karma.  Karma is individualistic.  We all have very different backgrounds and yet everyone has something in their past they're not proud of.  If karma was involved, we'd all have special needs children.  I do believe it's what he said last, to experience pain (to bring us closer to God and to experience great love.  Loving a child with special needs is a much different love than the love for a typically developing child.  No more, not less, just different.  As a parent to a special needs child, I've experienced the loss of said child while he's still living, which makes me move him that much more.  Most parents, I believe, only recognize that specific feeling during the days and weeks after their child if first born when it's the, fear and gratefulness all at the same time. Or, when something happens to them like a care accident or something life threatening. 

My response to "C": Yes, they certainly have changed us parents for the better even after so much pain and we get to experience love on another level (speaking only for myself).  I agree it can't be karma because even murderers get perfectly healthy kids!

"C" My son is my blessing.  I needed him to change the trajectory of my life.  I was going in the wrong direction. 

My response to "C":  That is so beautiful to hear.  

"U":  NO

"A": NO

"M": Absolutely NOT. It's as bad as the Christians saying God gives special needs kids to special parents.  As if we have done something for a creator to inflict harm onto an innocent human being. My red hair is a mutation that means karma would have had to come from my parents.  It makes zero sense to lay around blaming ourselves for a random act of nature.  

"C": Being atheist sure makes life simpler.  Instead of worrying about "reasons" and "penance" and "retributions" I just take care and love my beautiful boy to the best of my abilities.  

"D" I've never believed I was just given the child I was "just because".  It's been hard and I'd be lying if I didn't ask if I was being "punished" once or twice.  J's path is her path and it was chosen for her for a reason, and I may never know what that reason is.  I know I am her mother for a reason and not just to be her caregiver, but to learn from my experience of caring for her, I think if you really hear what he's saying you may have a better understandign of what "karma" really is, it's not always punishment for doing bad.  My husband and I often jok that maybe "J" saved us from a buring building in a past life and we are hger karma.  

"CH" :  What a load of ridiculous twaddle. 

"CH" may be the sanest out of all of us.  HaHa!  

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