Friday, October 4, 2024

Special Needs Parenting and the Korean Drama, "Move to Heaven"

 There is a joke among special needs parents that goes something like this, " I haven't slept in decades due to my child's insomina/seizures, etc... so I will sleep once I am dead".  Of course, the initial thought that runs through the mind of a parent of a special needs child after getting a diagnosis is, "I can never die!"  You develop a weirdly dark sense of humor while living through this journey, but it helps to keep me sane if not entertained...or does it?.  

I just binged on what I consider to be one of, if not, the best Korean drama series on Netflix I've ever watched called Move to Heaven.  The plot centers around an adopted autistic young man who was raised by a single father and make a livelihood through the family "trauma cleaning" business. The mission of this business is to clean out the homes of people who died alone and whose bodies were discovered days or weeks later.   One day, the father dies unexpectedly from a heart attack leaving the young man alone in this world until a long lost "uncle" recently released from jail is assigned a trial guardianship for three months.  The remainder of the plot revolves around the two characters as they learn about life and death, love and loss as they gather precious mementos from their deceased clients.  There won't be any spoilers from me here.  It is so profound and beautiful that any commentary on it here would do it no justice.  I don't really watch many Korean dramas but series like this is why the whole world is addicted to Korean Dramas. You have to watch this. The acting, the creative story line, the emotions that are conjured up from grief, inspiration, happiness, wisdom... it can all be very sad yet very healing to watch at the same time.  I was initially drawn to the series as a mother of a child with cognitive delays and autism as one of its main characters has autism and I cried and cried on many episodes about his sudden predicament, but I came away with so much more.  It's as if my heart exploded a little with each episode. 

Plus, I found my first "oppa" actor who blew me away, Lee Je Hoon, and I am such a fan!!! 

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