Friday, May 10, 2024

First Grade Memories

Easter Egg Hunt and Party .  What a joy it was to help Ms. Croyt's first graders decorate their own Easter Cookies!  They really did a great job!

First Grade field trip to La Habra Children's Museum. The whole school also went to see the production of Music Man by the junior high students of the La Mirada campus.  

This year, Liam received the music award  (his piano lessons are paying off!), Computer award and the Fruit of the Spirit Award for joy and goodness!  Liam received two awards for third quarter.  The first one is for computer which shows Cod Ninja classes on Saturday mornings are paying off!  The second, and more important award, is for joy and goodness.   His teacher said he finds joy in everything and is so excited to share what he has learned with his friends.   He always looks to do the fair and right thing and makes sure everything is right with his friends.  I couldn't have asked for a better award and I am so proud of him.   

Lucas received an award for maintaining a GPA above 3.5.  Not sure how they determined that but so proud nonetheless!


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