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This is one "pissed off" lil fella |
Luki has been out of sorts on and off for about a month and I can not figure out what is bothering him. He would have horrible tantrums as if something was greatly irritating him but being nonverbal he could not let me know what was wrong. I saw the frustration in his eyes as he cried and pouted but what could I do? He had no fever and I was hesitant to medicate him for pain if pain was not really his problem. He would cling to me, try to crawl onto my head and pull my hair all to no avail and no relief for his symptoms. There were periods when he was calm and seemed ok, but then his tantrums would return. I was at my wits end and had to do something, but what? The only available thing for me to do was get in contact with Venus Andrecht (a telepath, clarifying counselor and pychic) and ask for her telepathic ability to look into Luki and find out what was bothering him. The 20 minutes spent with her over the phone was very clarifying, indeed. I hope to use the information to help him along better.
This is what transpired in our conversation:
Venus uses her telepathic ability to speak to the higher self of a soul and obtain information for the seeker (in this case, me). We already know L is a "high being" with an old soul and great psychic and intuitive abilities. According to Venus, L took on this this lifetime so that he can experience living with a disability. He has had many lifetimes of learning and spiritual growth and has reached a level of mastery in wisdom and knowledge. Michelle Whitedove believes he is here to serve humanity (I'm not really sure how, yet).
Therein lies the problem. He is so used to quick thinking and being able to do things for himself that being in a disabled frame of mind is very frustrating for him. He is also somewhat spoiled from other lifetimes when he had many servants and disciples who would do things for him and all his needs were always met. Being in a disabled mind and unable to speak must indeed be a very frustrating experience for him. But, somehow his soul wanted this experience - perhaps for further soul growth? What are we all trying to "grow" into? Who can say? Some explanations can be found here. And somehow, my own soul wanted this experience, too! I have much to discuss with God about why I chose to do so.
When asked to look through L's eyes into the world, Venus said she saw the world not as we see it but like a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes that don't always make sense. When listening through his ears, Venus said everything sounded jumbled up and like a whole lot of incoherent mumbles. This may explain why he has a hard time taking commands and responding to his name when called. She also mentioned he may have synesthesia(?) which I need to do more research on. I gather it has something to do with the senses being mixed up and sensory input being processed incorrectly.
Venus also asked if L had any allergies because she sensed him being itchy. He was so bothered by whatever this was that when asked what was wrong, he would respond that he is "pissed off"! I was surprised that a wise old sage soul would use those words, who knew? Ha! Where did he get the words "pissed off" into his little head? I had to laugh at this unexpected response and now I am hoping his first verbal words would be "pissed off'! That would be a hoot! Gabriel thinks he is picking up on my lingo and I need to clean up my potty mouth from now on and stop saying the F word and shit. I don't think I say it very often but Gabe thinks I do. I wish I could be more like him...I don't know how he does it.
Our phone conversation was disconnected two times during the reading. I have never had such a thing happen with my phone before and was very apologetic to Venus for the disconnection and explained that I am not hanging up on her on purpose. I had intended to audio record our conversation but nothing got recorded and it felt like all my electrical equipment at hand just stopped working which I am pretty bummed about. Venus said that this is a reflection of what is going on with L. Not getting heard, not being able to communicate, getting disconnected are all symptomatic of how L is feeling. Maybe he is trying to let me know first hand the frustrations he is having. When Venus explained the situation with the phone to L's soul, he responded by saying, "oh, isn't that so typical"! Ha! Not only do I potentially have a wise old soul with a potty mouth, but also cynical, too! Ha! I can't wait to "meet" L!
Venus telepathically counseled L to use more of his intuitive/psychic abilities to navigate the world and get his needs met since he is limited in doing so through the senses. She suggested I give him some calming medications that are safe, perhaps herbal... Venus shared my session and testimonial at the beginning of her weekly radio show, The Dear Venus Show. You can listen to it by clicking on the hyperlink. It is archived in her February 10, 2016 show. My story is in the beginning and is titled "Living with a High Being".
After speaking with Venus and getting her intuitive insights into the situation, I am led to believe that perhaps it's his diapers that is the problem. I noticed a small rash on the side hip where the elastic velcro of his diaper is located. Maybe the allergy and rash she was referring to his the discomfort of having to wear diapers. I know I would be in a crappy mood if I had to wear hot wet diapers all day long. I have decided to invest in cloth diapers and see if his tantrums are reduced. From recommendations I received from other Dup15q moms, I have purchased a set from a company called Mother Ease and another from a company called The Willow Store. The latter is a family owned company who has a child with Down Syndromes. I am going to find out if the Medi Cal waiver will cover cloth diapers and if our medical reimbursement account will also accept it as a medical necessity.
We haven't started on the cloth diapers, yet but L hasn't had a tantum since the reading. He is back to his calm and loving self. I reassured him that I am going to 'fix" his problem and to be patient with me. I feel he really understands and is grateful for my efforts. I can't wait for the cloth diapers to arrive.
Bite mark from L. He didn't want to walk to school. |
He bites his finger out of frustration |
The purpose of our Spiritual journey is to become better human beings. But to become more compassionate, loving, and kind human beings we must come to know our own nature; the nature of our own minds.
We cannot become more loving, more compassionate or more forgiving if we do not understand why we are not. We must delve into our mind, not at the lower intellectual level, but into our higher level of consciousness to garner true understanding.
In understanding that the energy of anger arises from within us, from within the nature of our own mind, we can resolve it; We can transform that negative energy into the positive energy of wisdom. It is that wisdom that allows us to better ourselves as humans.
All negative energies we experience; such as anger, jealousy, hatred, aversion, fear, and resentment are products of our mind; and once we realize that we are able to resolve and transform them. If we don’t understand the true causes of our negative thoughts, emotions and actions we will just keep causing ourselves the same sufferings over and over again.
Only through the slow process of coming to know our own nature, can we transform it and become better human beings.
Walk your path slowly and mindfully. Meaningful change takes time.
~ Delores ~
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