My little sweetie pie took his second Easter pictures last Saturday at Picture People studio in Arcadia. I had picked out his outfit a week earlier of Jack and Janie's bright yellow shirt, white pants, navy blue leather loafers and a cute pastel colored floral neck tie to match the outfit. Unfortunately, daddy forgot to bring the tie and it lay on the living room sofa. Luckily, there was a Janie and Jacks upstairs in the mall and Gabriel picked out a cute pink-striped bow tie. I shouldn't have been so frustrated with Gabriel for forgetting to bring the neck tie because in hindsight, I think the bow tie worked out better than the floral one I had originally picked out. By the time the photo session started, his nicely ironed shirt was all wrinkled due to all the fidgeting, and hugging to placate his crying. Fears of him not looking into the camera nor sitting still and getting comfortable with the props ran through my mind but I thought he would at least tolerate the session. Long gone are the days when he would be very compliant for his photo sessions, now he is very cranky - anxiety from not knowing what is going on and what is expected of him. He gets like this a lot now in new situations. He absolutely did not enjoy his photo shoot and was crying the whole time. I tried singing his favorite songs, playing peek-a-boo and even did a little dance but to no avail. There were a few moments when he seemed interested in what was going on and looked into the camera but the photographer seemed not to be shooting at those moments which put both myself and Gabriel into a quiet simmering frustration. I really didn't think she was able to get any good shots but she said she needed at least 18 photos for viewing and we put up with Lucas anxiety and crying for another 15 minutes. I felt self conscious among all the other clients who were watching me make a fool of myself and enduring Lucas loud cries. But, it seemed they understood as they too had little ones getting ready for pictures. Lucas must have been so tired because as we lay him in his stroller, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.
When the prints came out, I was so surprised at how many good shots were taken. We even had one of him smiling! Amazing, since he smiled maybe at most 5 seconds during the whole time. I picked one of him smiling,crying, looking serious and one where he is walking with an Easter egg in his hand. Even the salesperson said he looked like a model for J.Crew catalog!. I am so glad I picked out such nice clothes from Janie and Jacks even if it did cost a bit more because he looks great in the pictures!
For Lent, I gave up ( or at least tried to) Facebook for the whole 40 days before Easter. It's amazing how addicted I have become to it. I tried going cold turkey but I must confess that I broke my fast and have logged in a few times. It has become a close companion to mine such that when there is a lull moment or I am feeling anxious, I yearn for and miss it. It also has been a great site to be informed about food, nutrition, current affairs and spirituality. For the most part, it has replaced television in my life. However, I vowed not to post anything until after Easter and I have so far been successful. I have only a week to go before I can go back. It has been kind of nice not posting and I feel good for it - almost as if it was a deep psychic cleansing of a sort. As a replacement, I have been logging onto Instagram and posting pictures - mostly of Lucas but today, I took a picture of my breakfast plate of eggs, sausage, and pancake at Carrows and posted it. I am not sure why. #IamNotSureWhyIamPostingThis.
I have developed a fetish for Lucas feet and his many toddler shoes. I posted pictures of his little feet in baby crocs, mocassins, sandals and spiderman slippers.
He is growing up so fast and only 1 month remains before he turns 3. I am so excited for my little baby boy! Yay, Lucas! Yay! Yay! Yay!
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