So, a lot has happened over the past week. First, we took Lucas to Disneyland for the first time using the half priced tickets we purchased through his school. I guess you get what you pay for because half the good rides were under maintenance (It's a Small World and Finding Nemo submarine were closed). Considering what they are charging these days for admissions, we may have to wait another two or three years before going back. Lucas, however, seemed to enjoy the attractions and looked very attentive to everything and everyone around him - which made me feel the trip was not a total waste of money. He really liked the Pirates of the Carribbean ride which was really very macabre; but fortunately, he had no idea what that was all about. I think he just liked the sounds, music and lights in the dark tunnel water ride.
This week, we had our first transition meeting with the Montebello school district and Regional Center's case manager at Wilcox Elementary School. The one hour meeting was a formal introduction of the school district (the school psychologist was present) and us so as to ensure a smooth transition to preschool and also to start preparing for lots and lots of assessments in the next five months before Lucas gets admitted. I was fortunate to have had the binder given to me by the Resource Center representative who came to visit The Centro to give pointers on IEP and transition meetings. The Centro has been such a blessing to me and Lucas, not just in terms of the classroom, but all the priceless support and parent meetings that has given me so much knowledge on how to navigate through the special needs world. I vow to donate all of Lucas' toys to the Centro after he outgrows them because I really want to give back to them the support they gave me. So blessed to have chosen the program for Lucas. In hindsight, when the program was offered to me 5 months ago, I intuitively knew, without a doubt, that there could be no other program which would measure up. As instructed by the Resource Center representative, I took the folder they provided me and tabbed it with Luki's records (see picture below). I even personalized the cover with Luki's pictures as they instructed me to do. I also made 5 copies of the Dup15q information from the website and tabbed the sections under genetics, speech, behavior, motor, treatment so that it would help better prepare the professionals to understand his condition better. All parties seemed very grateful for the information and I felt very reassured that they would read it thoroughly in helping with their assessment findings.

Last Wednesday, a former parent came to the weekly Wednesday parent meeting and gave pointers on how to approach our first IEP meeting. She provided a very useful list of things to prepare before the meeting. Did I mention how much I love this program and the Centro? I feel so much at ease knowing what I can expect at the meeting.
On another note, today Lucas celebrated his first Valentine Day at school and had a wonderful time! The parents had a big potluck with fried chicken and salad. Everyone loved my salad dressing and now I have to write up a recipe! This is going to be challenging since I never measure anything precisely as my cooking philosophy is "a little bit of this and a little bit of that"...He gave each his classmates a valentine favor and in return he received a lot of treats which he will never eat. He still has not idea or interest in any of this but I think just the exposure is a good thing.
Gabriel always gets it right for Valentine. He surprised me with these beautiful long stem roses!
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