Lucas continues to enjoy his time at the Mommy and Me classes three times a week through the Centro de Ninos and Padres. His favorite activity is circle time when everyone sings together. He jumps up and down and has the biggest grin on his face. He also loves dance time when he gets to shake shake shake his bootie! He is also very aware of the classroom setup now and will make a bee line for the kitchen sink to play with water. When I pull him away, he throws a cute little tantrum. It is soo cute when he throws his tantrums. He must get so frustrated with me as I laugh and smile while he is in misery but I can't help it, it is the cutest thing I have every seen.
Some therapists say they noticed Luki pointing at objects he wants. I have not witnessed this myself but noticed that he does use his index finger better at pushing buttons of his toys to turn on the music. Another noted improvement in fine motor skill, yay! Speech and communication seem to be the area where he is now lacking so far behind. Although, he tends to cry more when he doesn't get what he wants -(such as more water play) I hope he learns better ways of communicating such as hand -over-hand, pointing or sign language. This goals seems so far off in my mind, but then again, his walking seemed nearly impossible just a few months ago, so who knows?
What I want most though is for him to acknowledge me when I call his name and respond to me with at least a "mama" or "mommy". I so desperately want to hear him say this....
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