This summer, we opted out of summer school to do home schooling and it has been the best decision. I'm exhausted but Luki is having a great time and being exposed to a lot of activities we would otherwise not be able to do during school session due to the time constraints. Lucas finally got to use his first suitcase for a family vacation up to Mammoth Lakes and Bishop. Gabriel had to go up to Bishop to inspect the power stations near the dams for a few days so we decided to tag along. Since the company is paying for room and board, it has been a very economical way to get our summer getaway trip done this year.

Although Lucas can't yet pull his own suitcase, he has enough clothes and toilettries that won't fit into my duffle bag anymore. For some reason, I get sentimental thinking about the fact that he has his own suitcase. It's almost as if he will one day leave me to go off to college or live on his own or maybe live in a group home. Of course, that will never happen but the thought stirs up sentiments in the heart.
Bishop was hot but the dry air made it tolerable, especially when under the shade. Luki and I stayed close to the Holiday Inn we stayed in and waded in the indoor hotel pool or played in the park next to it.

Luki got stuck after falling off his bicycle. I let him figure out getting away on his own. This bought me time to eat my sandwhich before I have to chase him around.
The mountains were so beautiful all along our drive up to Mammoth.
It was like christmas all year round at Mammoth Village.
Bishop was hot as heck but it got a bit nippy up at Mammoth.
It rained on our way back home. Good thing, because we are in a drought and we need it. Hope the rain comes down to So Cal.
Our last lunch at a Mexican restaurant at Mammoth village. A margarita for a fond farewell.

My first view of the Sierra Nevadas. I only knew of them from the beer I see at Trader Joe's.

Mt. Whitney in the back- highest elevation in the US.
Luki has reached his summer swimming goal of being under water for at least 5 seconds. Our next goal is to swim at least two feet wearing an inflatable. He has also progressed to riding faster horses. I am hoping to get him started on hippotherapy this Fall.